Thursday, July 17, 2008

Youth Conference

Youth Conference was great. We drove to a place up in the mountains and camped there for a single night. We left at 6:30 in the morning on friday and got back around 5:00 on Saturday.
On the first day we registered and did a service project. For our service project (most of the Berkeley ward was in the same group, although there were three groups) we cleared on a grove and set up some log seats. After that we had lunch, the food wasn't too bad although it was fairly small. Then we got to listen to some speakers. One was about making your life better, another was about whats wrong with the world and another we simply sung a song. My favorite was the conspiracy theorist, probably because for the most part it was only us and the teacher. After that was dinner and a dance, which wasn't to bad. I find it funny that at the dances most of the people just get in a huge blob and don't do much. They jump occasionally.
On Saturday we had breakfast and took a hike to a area where an obstacle course was set up. We got in groups of 10 and did them together. One was having everyone stand on a small platform at the same time. Another was having everyone scale a huge wall. That was fun and surprising that we could do it. two of them were tightrope walking. The last was a single person one which was great. We were tied into a harness and walked acoss a rope that was about 20 feet (not sure but it would have hurt to fall, possibly break a bone?). Then we went on a faith-walk. We were blindfolded put into a line and then went for a walk. Then was testimony meeting and home.
Overall It was a great weekend.

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