Friday, February 29, 2008


Time is weird. Sorry I havn't posted much and this isn't much. I'm alive and succeding. Getting little sleep but am very happy. I am now trying to sprout random latin words all the time.
Question, if people are born today can they only get their lisence in 64 years? Also wouldn't it be frowned upon for a 16 year old to date a 4 year old.
Ah well, lucky me!
Don't lose time or you'll lose you. (ask if you will but i don't think i can explain)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Movie recommendation

I would really recomend the movie "the secret". You could probably get it from netflix. Its website is
The movie is about a secret of the universe, the law of attraction. It is a sort of documentary like movie which talks all about the law of attraction. In essence the law of attraction is like atracts like.
If you are at all interested in meta-physical things or ways to help your life I would recommend it. I'm going to try what it says and it seems realistic. It has been proven scientifically in some parts and relates alot to quantum physics.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Sorry again about this.

If I may vent I would like to know.
It is so annoying when people are annoying. It gets worse when they continue for days on end. My brother has been calling me addicted to games frequently and whenever I don't do something perfectly for the past week. Such as yesterday when I spent a full 6 hours, six full hours (a part-time job might I add), studying science. Only science and not a single other class. Then add on the other 5 hours of school and another hour for seminary Its a full 12 hours. So when I start to play for a bit of reaction he calls me addicted and then mentions it again the next day. It is so freaking annoying! If I ever would swear sometime soon would be it.
This is all added upon a sudden paranoya from my parents. Today I went to ultimate Frisbee and then came home. If anyone can find something wrong with working out please tell me and I would work for you for the rest of my life, it has to be good and legit. Now my parents really want me to get the PE credit out of the way so I don't have to worry about it anymore so this is something they want, may I emphasize want, desire, urge, desperately need, this. They really want me to work out and to do more PE, without taking a PE class. Why I think they are paranoid is that when we came home it was dark, gasp! My mother blatantly started an inquisition on whether I had skipped it and was playing instead. May I mention I had no backpack, no money, no cards, no computer, nothing that could be used for a game of any sort. Also she said that she couldn't trust me. She eventually said she would take my word for it (as if) after both me and my brother upheld to her questioning. I believe it all spawned out of her fear of the dark, shes gotten paranoid about us riding in the dark.
Thats all of my venting and I hope its the last for quite a while, however I doubt it is.
BTW En-her-gy, Zary, father please respond by comments and not talk to me about it in RL. I would like to be able to think my answers through and have you think yours through. RL is much more fast paced and, well, realistic. You don't have much time to think it through and wait for emotions to calm. I waited before I posted and still believe it is OK to vent this. I would like it if you think it through before you respond, things never go according to plan in RL but they can online.

Sorry again.

Joyex Noel

If you ever can watch a movie I would recommend Joyex Noel. It is a French movie about WWI. It is truly good and portrays the war as it is, a senseless waste of life that went on to long. It shows how the soldiers have no reason to hate each other but still kill them. It is about the front line trenches in the war during Christmas time. I don't want to spoil anything but you should watch it.
BTW it does have a few bloody parts in the beginning but nothing to bad.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Hey, I'm staying up late doing homework and felt I should post. Don't know why. This one will most likely change and well be drasticly diffrent when i think about it. I'm home with one brother babysitting another brother and its lots of fun. house all to ourselfs and we get to do what we will. however still got homework to do... got to do it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I suppose nothing much has happened lately. I have had school which is OK but takes up most of the day. My parents are leaving for a conference so that is going to be fun. I'll have the house all to myself with my two brothers, Jee and Zary. Other then that I have a new econ class that is really fun. Its fun enough that some kids made a face book about the teacher.
Other then that we are learning about WWI and the trenches, learning to read more latin, reading poetry, doing math and complicated chem.