Thursday, January 31, 2008

Field Trip

Today I had a wonderful field trip. About 40 kids went on it. The best part is that although we get to leave school and not have any schoolwork, we got to go to ... College! We get to skip school to go to school.
It was like what happened in school once. A kid I knew from last year new someone else in one of my classes. He decided to go to my class instead of his. So he pretended to be "Sven" from out of country. Come on! If your going to skip school don't go across the hall. At least leave the campus.
Well on the field trip we went to a University and a state university they were both good and the food was all you could eat. However we got stuck in traffic on the way home and tossed riddles around.
One riddle was this
An Evil man invites 100 people to his house for a "party". He locks them in and tells them that tomorrow he will line them up facing one person so person 1 can see everyone and person 100 can see no one. He will put white or black hats on their heads and they have to guess right. One person is allowed to get it wrong but if anyone else gets it wrong they all die. They can't move or communicate in any way other then saying the word white or the word black once, also it has to be in a flat tone.
There is a way for this to work and I might post the answer latter.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A favorite word

I have realized what my favorite word is! 'Tis Meh. A noncommital nonjudgmental non-anything response to everything. I also found a black t-shirt with this written on the front "meh." Isn't that great?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Last words

I found a list of funny last words but I can't remember where I found them. Here they are.

Mr. French (electrocuted)
"Hey, how about this for a headline! French Fries!"

Another man (electrocuted)
"I feel tingly"

If you can find some other funny last words I would enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Awsome WoW Raid

Me and my friends play WoW as a group and so we often get together to raid. As of right now we have a 33 prot pally, 35 shadow priest, 35 warlock, and a hunter. The hunter wasn't there for the raid but we were doing Scarlet Armory. During the raid we wiped a few times so most of my stuff, the pally, was broken by the end. Right before Herod, the main boss, my sword broke. I didn't have any extra so I needed to go back to town. Unfortunately I didn't have that much time so I started to use a light scimitar. It has ~11 dps no stats, its a gray drop.
We slaughtered him. A light scimitar is better then Herod, it was hilarious. A 33 and two 35, with the tank using gray drops and half broken items beats a lvl 37 instance boss. Something isn't right about that

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bike home

Hi I'm a geeky gamer. I play WoW, MTG, NWN2, and other various games. I also go to high school and bike home. I'm in a family of six, a mom, dad, two brothers, and one sister.
My brother, Zary, and I were biking home and talking about Noah and the Ark. A bible story about ancient times when everyone was evil but this one man wasn't. He built an Ark and put two of every animal into it. The sky then rained for 40 days and nights. Only problem was that the rain was approximately 5 feet tall.
One solution we came up to that was that it started as hail but when it melted it only raised the water level 5 feet.One problem with the solution is that the Ark would be demolished because, as Zary pointed out, it was only made of gopher wood. I then reminded Zary that gopher wood is made out of condensed gophers and is therefore impenetrable. We laughed the rest of the way home.

P.S. My blogs probably wouldn't be all like this, I could keep them this way if you like them though.