Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Eagle Day Four

Yes it is day four although I haven't posted anything about it yet.

For my Eagle project I am telling people what to do.... so they can upgrade a computer lab. The first day I had my friends come and we cleaned it up, the cords were such a mess that the school was threatened by the fire department. The people were awesome that day.
Day two I got a fellow scout troop to help out, they were fairly rowdy and stayed in the gym. Although my scout leader came and helped. We cannibalized a lot of systems that day but thats about it.
Day Three: A church friend came to help out. We finished upgrading all the systems and installing the new OS (linux rules). I think we did the most this day, but we did stay latter than usual.
Day Four: We labeled the network cables, updated the systems, and received 14 new computers from a local non-profit. we got them installed and had the whole lab updated.

we should be able to finish it in one more day. Almost there!

I finished warriors: new prophecy and it was good. I'm glad that squirrelflight and Brambleclaw were able to get together, the fourth book was so depressing I almost stopped. It did end a bit abruptly, it probably could have gone on easily. I'm just glad theres another series. I wonder, did starclan know of Brambleclaws nightly visits or not? Did they make Brambleclaw the deputy because it wasn't long before he was gone to far? Was it just luck? Also the prophecy Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red.... seemed a bit exagerated. Sure it was nearly tragic but it wasn't quite as epic as the lake will run red. Although that part could refer to the bagers. Either way its a great book series. The authors are truely talented.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today was fun. Frater and I played a game called Thurn and Taxis. It is a multi-player game where the people do not interact/affect each other. I would really suggest it.
We also helped a family in the ward move in. They moved out a year ago but were unhappy so they moved back. They gave us lots of chocolates for helping. Their little kid is so cute and bubbly.
I also have work today, I'm helping out at a science museum. The camp I'm helping out is about lego mindstorms. The kids are great and I've done the camp before. Hey I play with legos and get paid, who can complain?
I'm almost done with the Warriors: New Prophesy series. I'm on the fifth book and its phenomenal. What I don't understand is that why doesn't Squirrelflight be more understanding. Sure Hawkfrost will be a pain, sure her distrust of him is well based, but why does she sacrifice her relationship with Brambleclaw? What in the world is there to gain from not loving him anymore? Bramble has said he would never pick any cat over her so why doesn't she try a bit.
Also why is Bramble giving up Squirrelflight for Hawkfrost? Sure Hawk is his half-brother but he could stop talking to him, its not like he will lose much. Finally Hawkfrost is obviously trying to take over all the clans. Why else would he consort with Mudclaw, sure he might 'believe' that Mudclaw should be the leader but that doesn't mean attacking another clan about it. Its loyalty to the clan first and it doesn't affect Riverclan at all if Onewisker or Mudclaw is leader.
They are both being fairly stupid. I also dislike how squirrel is starting to like Ashfoot(the Thunderclan warrior). Its like she is hanging out with him to hurt Bramble and that is simply low. It never even describes Ashfoot much.
Ah well its a good book either way. I just hope they work it out.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Youth Conference

Youth Conference was great. We drove to a place up in the mountains and camped there for a single night. We left at 6:30 in the morning on friday and got back around 5:00 on Saturday.
On the first day we registered and did a service project. For our service project (most of the Berkeley ward was in the same group, although there were three groups) we cleared on a grove and set up some log seats. After that we had lunch, the food wasn't too bad although it was fairly small. Then we got to listen to some speakers. One was about making your life better, another was about whats wrong with the world and another we simply sung a song. My favorite was the conspiracy theorist, probably because for the most part it was only us and the teacher. After that was dinner and a dance, which wasn't to bad. I find it funny that at the dances most of the people just get in a huge blob and don't do much. They jump occasionally.
On Saturday we had breakfast and took a hike to a area where an obstacle course was set up. We got in groups of 10 and did them together. One was having everyone stand on a small platform at the same time. Another was having everyone scale a huge wall. That was fun and surprising that we could do it. two of them were tightrope walking. The last was a single person one which was great. We were tied into a harness and walked acoss a rope that was about 20 feet (not sure but it would have hurt to fall, possibly break a bone?). Then we went on a faith-walk. We were blindfolded put into a line and then went for a walk. Then was testimony meeting and home.
Overall It was a great weekend.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sane or Insane

Am I unique because I'm sane or am I simply normal for believing that I'm sane but in reality I'm insane? Isn't humankind insane and therefore each person is crazy? But everyone believes their sane so am I insane to think everyone else is insane but I'm sane or am I sane and everyone else is insane? Am I insane for thinking I'm both insane and sane? Isn't that a paradox?

wow I love logic problems. expecially ones to do with sanity its fun.

Hey I was looking for a word and found this website, Its all about english words that are contradictory

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lost Bachelorhood

Should have posed this before but the day after I got to have the downstairs I lost it. A person from our ward went through a messy divorce and currently doesn't have any home. We let her use the downstairs and I can't anymore :( It is nice that we get to help her though :)
So far on my eagle project I have almost got the proposal ready. Its in essence ready but I simply need to get it approved before I can start. I should be meeting with the director tomorrow for the third time and it should be the last. After that I just have to finish it, with what little time I have. Ah well it'll be fun.
Right now I'm reading the Warriors series and its good. I'm starting the fifth book. Its a series about warrior cats in a forest and their lives. It starts from the perspective of a "kitty-pet" or house cat who want to, and gets to, live in the woods. Not only that but the main charicter suspects one of the most trusted cats in the clan of cold-blooded murder. Its a good series and I would recomend it.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My house

So our downstairs renters have moved out. Currently we are trying to get the missionaries to rent from us but they haven't moved in yet. Until they do I alone get the downstairs. WOOT I get my own house. My littlest brother and sister want to come down with me but they can't yet. Tonight is the first night and its looking good.
I need to replace my watch soon. Its currently falling apart, literally. The band has broken in one part but its still fairly wearable. It doesn't fall off that often.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Today was the last day of a camp me and my brother went to. Its called cybercamps. We did game design and it was fun. We used multimedia flash to design all the games and it worked very well. We got a lot of free time because we were just that awesome. no seriously they didn't have to ban anything for us however they banned alot of things for last weeks camp.
Also we did most of our coursework.
But the councilors names were, Bacon(in Celtic studies), Pancakes, Bagle(he wore a kilt on the last day and no he is not gay), and Biscut. They were all gamers, except Biscut, and were amazing.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Hey I just watched the movie Cloverfield. Its a horror movie where an alien attacks Manhattan. It does not really have a story line but its scary. I would not really suggest it but if you like scary movies and have nothing else to do go ahead. People die, heck most of the people in the movie die, I can only think of one main character who doesn't die but we don't know if she lived. Its filmed from the view point of a guy with a camera.