Sunday, October 4, 2009

General conference

I should probably be listening to what they are saying about it right now but I would rather blog :D

My favorite so far is Ann M. Dibb's she smiled the whole time, even when talking about how a construction accident where people died. She must have had botox or something cause her facial expressions were hillarious. Also the construction guys only had to fall 125 feet. Thats alot less then the 10,000 a skydiver survived. Oh yea the skydiver had a parachute, but it failed. He also had a backup parachute, but that also failed. And he fell 10,000 feet and landed on a metal roof. He was fine. If you don't believe me here is an article about it

Best thing is the skydiver didn't even break a record, an air hostest fell 33,000 feet when her aircraft exploded midflight.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

SF bike trip and friday lap tag

So, I just went on a bike trip through San Fransisco. It was awesome. We got there early enough to see fog stuck under the bridge. The rest of the sky was clear. The coast looked like someone was drawing it and then just didn't have time to finish.

Jacob, someone from my ward, was there. He seems great, I kinda wish he was in the YM's. I guess hes joined the list with about a dozen other guys. Tom couldn't make it because of a cross-country race. Hope you did well Tom. My brother is in Ohio for a linux conference and Kevin just couldn't make it. Only SnieguolÄ— was the only YM able to come. able to come.

On Friday I played lap tag with Anna and her friends. It was great. Lap tag is pretty much full contact duck duck goose. Everyone pairs up and sits together in a huge circle. One person doesn't have a partner. They then pick a few of the pairs, who are not sitting next to them, to go. One person in the pair is suppose to get to the empty lap, the other is suppose to stop them. One person just picked the other up on their shoulder, it was hilarious.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camping trip... Good? Bad?

I have no idea if the camping trip I just went on was a complete failure, or not. Let me explain.

So me and my brother make it just about on time, better than usual. Tony D and Tom were already there waiting. and we waited.... and waited... and then the leaders(scott and vinnie) showed up. Yea Scotts car broke down in the middle of the Nevada desert. Thats no excuse! Sure Vinnie had a hard week studying pavement. Pfft. So with still about an hour to an hour and a half to get to the docks and the ferry. Its only a half an hour drive. We pump up the tires. We take our time and finally get on the road. I read Max, amazing book series, so the ride was great. However the hour and a half was not long enough for the half an hour car ride. We get there to watch the boat sail away to Angel Island.

So yea that was the bad part, The failure. Other than that we got the reservation switched to china camp, which had all white families and few Asians. We set up the tent and go biking. So it was steep. I don't exagerate when it was steep. Unfortunately my dads bike kinda can't change half of the gears. So I'm stuck at the highest gear the bike could go on. We hiked most of it. But the downhill was great. bumpy, walked parts of it, but amazing. I simply love going really fast downhill. I didn't like the steep cliff which had no protection... but no one died. XD Afterwards we played cards, I finished Max, you need to read it, and we kinda relaxed. We were going to play CTF but scott whimped out. :'( is that the crying face? how do I not remember?
The next day we packed up and biked some more. We road around the area, up more hills which we hiked. We went through some suburbs, which are all the same. Don't move to suburbs NOTHING happens ... ever. Then we went home.

Yay Yay, I know this may look like a block of text, but I'm not going to edit it. good night.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shell Scripts

This is a kinda geeky post. About the new job I have and computer stuff.
I finally know what shell scripts are. I had a vague idea what they were but I just finished my first script. I was suppose to build it so that it could change an IP address all on its own. It worked. I also made one to fix the IP/internet if anything I did was wrong. It only took me three full workdays to write. Gosh computers are annoying sometimes. I just need to know what the commands are better. I know what to do, I just don't know how to do it or what the syntax is. Either way I get payed to play around with computers. Its fun.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Life part 2

So it seems it was just a bout of depression. I don't think that summer will be that busy, but who knows.

Work was fun today. I learned how to change an IP address remotely.

I will be doing bowling for summer credit.

I just got the newest maximum ride, the final warning. Its on CD so I don't think I will be able to finish it in one night. Well I'm going to get started listening to it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Life can be depressing. I prefer a more relaxed and open schedual, but thats not my summer. Weekends may be relaxing, given they aren't filled up my things my mom puts on it. I simply want the hard parts to be over. Once I'm graduated from school, and college, and the post graduate stuff, life should get better. All that would be on my schedual would be a 9-5 job. Better than school, which is 6-3 with a part-time job, which is 3-5, and then homework, which is 5-10.

Every day of my summer is already meticulously planed and ready.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saturday, a few days ago

So I'm posting about saturday the 7th, pretend its that day.

So Aron, a friend from Ireland, came to town to visit. His dads working here and he came to. We first went to jail.... well we went to Alcatraz. Its actually amazing there and they have a good audio tour. Some of the chocolate they sell is really good :D I think it was worth it to go, but then again I didn't pay for it .... I would still recommend it.

After that we went to Benihana, which is amazing food. The person who served it wasn't that fun/funny, but the food is still amazing.

For the last part of the day I went to the Mrom(mormon prom) Personally I haven't liked dances, as not much happens during them. But for some reason this one was great. The food there was good, they had a chocolate fondu (hope I spelld that right) and marshmellows, and potstickers. My date was simply stunning. The music was good, but they had problems with the vocals.

Overall it was a great day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Trip to Israel day 16

BTW I'm starting my blog at the most recent day and going backwards.

We decided to stay another day in Israel to speak at the Technion (names probably wrong) in Hyfa. The Technion is the MIT of Israel and I was scared to death to speak in front of the geekiest of them. We were invited to speak to the LUG, linux user group there about computer hardware. The talk useually lasted 20-30 minutes, they were used to 2 hours. We got there an hour or so late, we stoped at a really good restaurant. They said not that many people left, but there weren't many in there.

The talk went pretty well, they were nice and friendly. One of them was from Florida and was there for her PHD. There were only 9 or 10 of them there so it wasn't bad, but the photos didn't work on.

Afterwards we went back to Tel-Aviv to take the train to the airport and then began our flights. It took us only one day to fly back home, but only because we crossed multiple timezones.

Overall i really liked the trip, it was amazing to see Rome, Israel, the tomb were Christ may have been burried, and various other things. One thing I found really amazing was the vast number of cats. They were all over the place, so I took photos of all of the ones I could, I'd start posting them but i have to get back to homework, and its not working for some reason.