Sunday, October 4, 2009

General conference

I should probably be listening to what they are saying about it right now but I would rather blog :D

My favorite so far is Ann M. Dibb's she smiled the whole time, even when talking about how a construction accident where people died. She must have had botox or something cause her facial expressions were hillarious. Also the construction guys only had to fall 125 feet. Thats alot less then the 10,000 a skydiver survived. Oh yea the skydiver had a parachute, but it failed. He also had a backup parachute, but that also failed. And he fell 10,000 feet and landed on a metal roof. He was fine. If you don't believe me here is an article about it

Best thing is the skydiver didn't even break a record, an air hostest fell 33,000 feet when her aircraft exploded midflight.

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