Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Awsome WoW Raid

Me and my friends play WoW as a group and so we often get together to raid. As of right now we have a 33 prot pally, 35 shadow priest, 35 warlock, and a hunter. The hunter wasn't there for the raid but we were doing Scarlet Armory. During the raid we wiped a few times so most of my stuff, the pally, was broken by the end. Right before Herod, the main boss, my sword broke. I didn't have any extra so I needed to go back to town. Unfortunately I didn't have that much time so I started to use a light scimitar. It has ~11 dps no stats, its a gray drop.
We slaughtered him. A light scimitar is better then Herod, it was hilarious. A 33 and two 35, with the tank using gray drops and half broken items beats a lvl 37 instance boss. Something isn't right about that

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