Sunday, March 2, 2008


Its march now and guess what happened on the 15th? It is the ides of march as the romans would say and its the day Caesar was assassinated!
Well yesterday I ran around stabbing people with foam swords and it was fun. Today I went to ultimate and it was tiring, but a bit fun.
Have fun and live free.


Zaery said...

(insert vampire stabbing people with swords)

(insert giant 12-foot ogre smashing puny humans into tiny pancakes)

Vincent Malmrose said...

When i hit ray in the leg i so should have crawled towards him yelling "I want your Heart!"
That is just fearsome A wounded vampire with the strength to hurl cars crawling toward you swinging a sword yelling that is just crazy.

Zaery said...

one problem, i didn't do a two-handed jumping overhead attack while yelling "OGRE SMASH!!!"

AnnaDee said...

pokes zary's hat, pulls out mashunga, runs at genun
that sounds fun!

Vincent Malmrose said...

you should come to westfinder. It is lots of fun, however the major games cost $20 and normal games are on sunday.